Tu Help expereince

Reimagining the Help experience for TU


How I identified a larger problem within an experience and created a holistic vision for self serve Help.


How I identified a larger problem within an experience and created a holistic vision for self serve Help.


There is a large scale migration piece happening at Sainsburys Argos in a cost saving move (all Products on a single tech stack). As a result of the replatforming there is a need to look at each part of the experience and look for opportunities to update and improve.

This project was started off with the ask to sense check the UX of the accordion component in the new Design System and how it compared to the current implementation, it ended with a complete reimagine of the Help experience across all brands.

“Hey Chris, can you do the UX for this accordion?”
lead to the realisation that the Help section of the site was not being properly considered in replatforming work.


Help is a massive area, so this required reaching out to both content team and the CMC (Call centre Team) to get an understanding on whats been done so far, whats worked, what hasn't and what is the current direction for Help from a content perspective.

Tu’s current help pages are very information heavy as a result Customers are having to phone up the CMC on average approx 1 in every 5 orders to get help. High number of CMC calls add additional cost to the buiness as well as being a more lengthy way for customers to complete their tasks. There is an opputuniy to reimagine the experiece to allow customers to self serve reducing CMC costs and increasing customer satisfaction due to a quicker and easier experience.

Customers are having to phone up the CMC on average approx 1 in every 5 orders to get help

Current Help home page Desktop


Discovery continued

In-between the X team collaboration work I set about benchmarking our competitors, looking at time on task, confidence and NPS of comparable journeys based on Heatmaps and CMC data (what are our customers trying to do the most).

Brands tested:

John Lewis

How we are going to measure

How we are going to measure

Time on task



Test results

Test results

Anatomy of a winner

Design goals / Success Metric

Reduce customers reliance on Call centre (drive down calls per order) (Business)

Help customers self serve - completing tasks quicker and easier (Customer)

Increase UX Benchmarking to match or exceed top scoring competitors (Both)


Based on what the CMC and Heatmaps were telling us (and with an eye on high benchmarking competitor references) it appeared the majority of customers wanted to be able to complete/find info on three main tasks, pulling these out and creating self service journeys made sense so a new Help home page was wired up based on the Hypothesis that separating the content into Primary tasks and secondary information would benefit the majority of customers as well as iteration on the current flows (because we need to define the path into the flows before iterating on current flows).

We believe users will be able to navigate quicker and more efficiently if the content is broken up into blocks of tasks and information, resulting in decrease time on task and increase NPS (resulting in reduced CMC usage).

Wires and Flows


Going back to the replatforming objective the visuals were created using as close to possible the current CMS components available for builds. I iterated slightly on a couple of visual styles to make them more suitable for specific usage (for example reducing the size of imagery to use an icon) in the hopes otehrs would agree on ROI once we got to build.

Wires and potential CMS components

Visuals and Testing

The research and wires were shared around both the Design team and the Content team (who have ownership on the content on Tu) to gather thoughts and feedback, all of which was largely positive, so next step was skinning the wires using the Tu Design System (a reskinned version of Sainsburys Luna Design System, that I also contributed to).

Test results

Testing was done on both Desktop and Mobile using the same method as the benchmarking testing - so while not concrete it at least gives us a bit of a steer and would highlight any potential issues.

This is also an example where A/B testing would not work (the usual way to test things more robustly) as one of the Design Golks/KPIs is to reduce CMC call frequency - not something we'd be able to link to either design in an A/B test.



Time on task




Confidence (1-7)


(5-7 rating)

Proposed redesign

Proposed redesign

Time on task




Confidence (1-7)


(5-7 rating)

Next steps

This is just the start and a framework to build on, to create the full experience we will need to…

🧑‍💼 Getting CMS and Help Product Managers to understand the value beyond the replatforming value and the new experience into the backlogs (done).

✍️ Content audit (with Content team). Continuing CMC Workshops, to dive into details of what people are calling about (Paypal as an example - refunds take longer)

🛠️ Get an understanding of MVP with Engineering while continuing to design out journeys and exploring opportunities with Help.

📐 Measure Calls to Call Centre post launch.

Old vs New

Help home page Desktop

Help Primary task page Desktop

All content © 2024 | It’s been wonderful

All content © 2024 | It’s been wonderful